Last Words of the Old Testament

Malachi 3:16-18
The last verses of the Old Testament find God making a promise to His people.Those who “feared the Lord and honored His name” hung on every word and wrote them down so that they might not be forgotten.

God calls us “His treasured possession” and promises that a day is coming where it will become more and more obvious who does and does not follow Him. When he was giving his testimony, John Wimber recounts that if he knew any Christians before he was converted they never blew their cover in his presence. How can we be salt and light if people can’t see any difference in the way that we live our lives.

He has given us the Holy Spirit precisely so that we can be, do and say what God wants to and thus make a difference in this lost world.

The question is, are we willing to be obedient?



  1. Fortunately, you didn't quote the VERY last words in Malachi, which are, "otherwise I will come and strike the land with complete destruction." (Complete Jewish Bible). The Jews put that at the end of the Nevi'im (Prophets). They actually end the Hebrew Scriptures with II Chronicles, which ends, ". . . may Adonai his God be with him! He may go up . . .". Much more hopeful ending, as it referred to the end of the Babylonian Captivity! Then comes the Apostolic Writings -- what a segue!


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