Come Holy Spirit - Day One
**Note, this is rather lengthy as it is a recap of the
entire conference. I will be splitting it up in four sections so as to try to
include as much detail as I can. Once the videos are available online we will
be hosting watch parties for anyone who is interested in watching the sessions
I’ve been in some sort of ministry going back to my college
days in the ‘70s. I’ve been a part of the Vineyard since the late 80’s. In that
time I think I could conservatively say that I have attended over 50 leadership
or church conferences. In the beginning I got more practical knowledge out of
them than I ever did at college or seminary. However, after a while they all
tend to be the same. You might pick up a nugget here or there, but for the most
part you feel like, “been there, done that, bought the T-shirt”.
I am thrilled to say that this trip to the Vineyard USA “Come
Holy Spirit” conference ranks among the best ones since the early days of the
Vineyard when John Wimber was still alive. From the opening worship on Monday
night to the end of Ministry time on Thursday night, the Holy Spirit was
present and I dare say no one left the conference without hearing from Him or
feeling His touch.
The Worship team was playing songs that were unfamiliar to
us, but we were still able to enter into His presence rather quickly. Not only
did we learn the songs but were able to worship while doing so. The songs grew
on us as the week passed. While each session was led by a different team, the
Spirit was the same. This wasn’t a performance or merely singing songs; this was intimate worship declaring our love
for Him and inviting His presence among us which He graciously gifted us with.
While there were announcements and a video after the first song, we still had
ample time in worship as the sets lasted from 45 minutes to over an hour. I
realize that worship is all about Him, however, among the five stages of
worship, as Wimber described them, is visitation and it was so tender to lose ourselves
in His arms. Among the songs that
pointed us heavenward were; God of Our Mothers and Fathers, Spirit Burn, You
Meet Me Here, Let Your Kingdom Come, Raise a Hallelujah and Te Amo.
There were two general types of preaching. On the one hand
there was the kind of preaching with bullet points where you take copious notes
and you feel like they are golden nuggets from the throne of God. The other
kind was more experiential were the points being made were told through
countless anecdotes of God miraculously working in the lives of people.
It started with Steve Nicholson prophesying over the
Vineyard that a wind is coming. Not a gentle breeze but a mighty wind. This
move of God is not rooted in methodology or programs but it is a mighty in-breaking
of the Kingdom of God into His Church in the here and now. The kind of faith
that God is looking for is the faith of obedience. Obedience turned out to be a
major theme throughout the messages of all the speakers.
This move is not about
superstars, but healing communities of ordinary people obeying God. Pray-ers are
midwives helping people receive what God has for them. As a result, there will
be signs and wonders that will affirm the Spirit’s move. He then went on to
catalog what, in his experience, are why we pray with our eyes open so that we
can see who the Spirit is moving on, what the intent of the Spirit is, whom God
wants to use in ministry and what indication of Spiritual Gifts are being
He warned us that if we pray for the Spirit to come, then we have to
be patient because He tends to come in waves and we often stop after the first
wave. He encouraged us to bless what God was doing during and between each wave
as we waited to see what else would happen. He reminded us that waiting is
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