Some Worship and Some Doubt

Matt 28:16-17
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

Ah, doubts, we all have them at some point even if we don’t admit to it. Our minds can’t catch up to the reality of the kingdom because the reality of this realm doesn’t allow it.

There are two realities vying for recognition and in spite of our limited experience we tend to go with what our mind tells us is more real in the moment.

That the disciples struggled with this is only human. In their experience and according to the laws of physics a human being can’t walk on water, they sink. And yet, they saw Jesus walk on water.

A few loaves of bread and a few fish can’t feed a crowd of thousands and yet they saw it happen and had barrels of food left over.

The dead are dead, especially when they start to decompose and yet they saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead.

Some things just do not compute.

Some worship and some doubt.

It happens every Sunday. Some worship and some wonder what all the fuss is about.

Why do we spend the better part of half an hour singing songs? Why do we stand or raise our hands to the heavens? Why don’t they do the kind of music that I like? Why didn’t they do my favorite song?

Some worship and some doubt.

What is God’s reaction to the doubters? It depends on their hearts. Some don’t wait to believe and won’t believe no matter how much evidence you present to them. Others want to believe but the minds haven’t caught up to their hearts. To those, God shows incredible patience and puts forth the evidence they need. Jesus showed Thomas the holes in His hands and side.

Some worship and some doubt.

Which one are you? The good news is that if your heart is for God sooner or later He will prove Himself to you. He will make Himself real to you so that you too can worship. In the meantime, don’t let your experience dictate whether or not you will worship. Like Peter, get out of the boat and start walking toward Him. If you start to sink He’ll reach out His hand and hold you up.

Some worship and some doubt.

Will you worship?


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