Acceptable Worship

Acceptable Worship

Heb 12:28-29
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our "God is a consuming fire."

There is a worship that God accepts and there is a worship that is not worship at all.

Many times we put forth a performance that, while it may be pleasing to those that hear it, is not pleasing to God.

While we should do our best to do an excellent job with our instruments and our voices, if it is not accompanied by a lifestyle of worship, it just dribbles from our mouths and falls down on the floor like so much drool.

Musicians too often get too focused on musicality and not enough on the One they are worshiping. I know folks that only moments before they get on a worship team are listening to secular music and grooving to the kind of music they enjoy. Instead of preparing their hearts to be in God’s presence they are texting, playing video games or a myriad of other activities. Not that any of this is bad in itself, but at some point shouldn’t we put everything else aside and focus on the Lord?

While I’m talking about preparing our hearts on Saturday night and Sunday morning, what about the rest of the week?

What excuses do we come up with for not spending time with the Lord, or in fellowship in a small group or serving those less fortunate than ourselves? Is it OK to go out and party on Friday night and then expect that we can flip a switch on Sunday Morning?

What is acceptable worship?

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Our worship and religion is acceptable if we dedicate our lives to Him. When we keep ourselves pure and undefiled and we look after the poor. In other words, we serve God and we serve others.

This fits in nicely with the motto of JesusChurch which states, “Passion for Jesus, Compassion for People”.

If we want out worship to be a pleasing aroma unto the Lord then we need to get our hearts, minds and priorities straight. Otherwise it is a foul stench that will not be acceptable before the Lord and He will burn it up.

Will your worship be acceptable before the Lord?


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