Sighs and Groans too Deep for Words
Rom 8:26-27
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know
what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans
that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows
the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in
accordance with God's will.
Unlike the rest of my extended family, I was not brought up
with the idea of memorizing prayers that you would then recite in order to gain
God’s favor. My mother, Gloria, taught me to kneel next to my bed and to pray
to “Papa Dios”, or Daddy God. I would fold my hands and close my eyes and just
talk to God.
The more I grew to know His Word and understand Who He is,
the more sophisticated my prayers became.
2 Tim 1:12b
… I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to
guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.
However, I have to say that a couple of events have greatly
impacted the way that I view prayer.
The first was when I was in college and I was assigned to go
to a state mental hospital in Upstate New York where I had to minister to a
group of severely mentally challenged individuals. In those days, we called
them mentally retarded to differentiate from those who had other mental
I had to really simplify things, and the one thing that was
the greatest challenge was simplifying the prayers. They were so simple they
were childlike. It really drove home something that I instinctively knew from
reading the Word but which the Spirit made it come to life through me
experience with those dear saints.
Matt 6:7-8
And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think
they will be heard because of their many words.
In another version of the Bible it talks about vain
repetitions. Repeating memorized prayers over and over again won’t get them
The second one was the time that I was praying for a
missionary who was home on furlough and now that he was getting ready to go
back to the mission field, he was being blocked by some pretty nasty, unfounded
I knew how much going back meant to him because of the love
that he had for those people. I prayed and prayed, both in English and in
Spanish and still I found I couldn’t adequately express the deep pain and
sorrow that my friend was experiencing of behalf of his flock.
It was then, for the first time in my life, that the Holy
Spirit took over and I began to pray in tongues. Now mind you, I had asked God
for the gift for over 20 years and nothing had happened. Some friends would
tell me to just start uttering sounds and that it would come, but it just felt
forced to me.
On this occasion there was no doubt that it was the Spirit.
Something happened deep inside of me and I knew that I had connected with the
heavenly realms.
For the first time I truly understood that it is not about
my words, but that when I am obedient to pray, the Spirit takes my puny words
and translates them into sighs and moans too deep for words. The Spirit prays
the Father’s will back to Him on my behalf.
Hi Pastor Jay, I can wholly relate. For me prayer is not as meaningful if you are just reciting the same things over and over. Sometimes my wife asks me to pray for something right now and I can't do it meaningfully. However when I feel the spirit upon me I can pray much more easily and meaningfully.i have yet to have the gift of tongues, but I know when the spirit comes I feel tremendously different as if lifting myself or the person I am praying for up.