The Work of the Holy Spirit

Those that have known me for any period of time know that I believe strongly that the work of the Holy Spirit is much more than just providing the power for regeneration.  They know that I believe that He is the agent of Christ in this world active and distributing gifts and empowering us to do the same kind of works that Jesus did when He walked this earth. I believe that all the gifts are for today and that the modern church has too long ignored the work of the Holy Spirit. So much so that in certain circles you would think that the Holy Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Bible.  

The response to Pentecostalism since the dawn of the 20th century has been so great as to emasculate the work of the Holy Spirit.

By the same token, I believe that often in charismatic circles, too much emphasis has been placed on the gifts, especially the gift of tongues.

This blog is called Spirit Led Living for a reason. The call of us of who serve Christ is to make disciples. Discipling is not an event it is a process. The work of the Spirit is to empower and propel that process forward.

2 Cor 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

We are being transformed into His likeness.  We live in the here and the not yet of the Kingdom. Until that time when Christ comes back for His bride, we are in the process of being prepared and transformed.

Not only are we His bride, we are also a royal priesthood. We are His representatives to a lost world. Often, it is that process of transformation that is so attractive to the lost because they can see the before and after being worked out in our lives.

Rom 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

It is the work of the Spirit in us that draws us closer to Christ and transforms us little by little by renewing our mind in the image of Christ.

Talk about a miracle. Talk about a demonstration of His power. As the Spirit leads us on a daily basis we are being metamorphasized into the likeness of God. The worm is becoming the butterfly.

This is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is the work of restoration, transformation, and yes, regeneration.

Being led by the Spirit on a daily basis will inexorably lead not only to our own transformation, but also to the transformation of those that we invest our lives in; also known as making disciples.


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