But God
So, it’s been a while since I posted on my blog.
Part of the reason is that I have been so busy. I’ve been
working six days a week for what seems like forever and I am also working on my
Doctorate. Part of it is that I don’t like to post just to post.
You may notice that this posting is a little different than
my normal posting where I start with a Scripture and then give my insight on
what I feel that God is revealing to me through His Word.
This time however, I want to share about what is going on in
my life.
Almost 10 years ago my life fell apart. I was very depressed
following my Mother’s passing and other factor’s led to me making some poor
decisions from not trusting God. The end result is that the church that I was
pastoring at the time imploded due to my sin and lack of leadership and
ultimately I divorced my wife of 30 years.
I was facing the dark night of my soul.
But God. I know, as the son of an English professor she would
have chastised me saying that this was neither a proper sentence nor proper
English. And yet, there is little in this world that is more powerful than
those two words.
2 Cor 7:6
But God, who comforts the
See, I deserved the miserable hole I had dug for myself. But
God, in His immeasurable mercy didn't look at my sin or my failure. He looked
at one of His creations and He took pity on me.
Rom 5:8
But God demonstrates his
own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Little by little He rebuilt my life. He provided me a home
and a woman who loves me unconditionally and who loves me for who I am. He
provided a job where He could rebuild my self-confidence and teach me how to
truly live. He took me to a Church (BayLife) where one of the elders helped
walk me through a two year restoration process. Through my work with
Metropolitan Ministries he provided multiple opportunities for me to preach and
minister at a number of Churches, both Hispanic and Anglo. He led me to Tabernacle
Bible College and Seminary where I finally received my M. Div. and am working
on my Ph. D.
Phil 2:27
But God had mercy on him,
and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.
Finally, He brought Charlene and I to JesusChurch, who not
coincidentally is a Vineyard Church which is who I am ordained through. We've
been there a little over a year and in that time we have served on the worship
team, led the intercessors, some folks have called on us for counsel, led small
groups and had the opportunity to preach.
I don’t think I am violating any confidences if I share that
in my conversations with Karl House, our pastor, the possibility of my becoming
Assistant Pastor has come up. He shared with me that as he discussed the
possibility with members of the staff and the Board that the common thread was
that this would be a natural step since I am already doing the work of a
Don’t know at this point for sure that this will happen or
when it will happen. Just the fact that the discussion is taking place brings
me back to John Wimber. A Pastor is not a Pastor because men lay hands on you
or give you a piece of paper. A Pastor is one who does the work of a pastor.
The other point is this, Romans 11:29 says that God’s gift
and His call are irrevocable. A lot of people quote this but they tend to
ignore the context. This passage refers to the people of Israel who turned
their back on God many times and rejected and crucified His Son, the Messiah.
In spite of their treachery, God still loves them and has a plan for them.
Throughout the centuries, because of their lack of repentance they have had to
suffer the consequences of their sin. While God has been incredibly gracious
with me, it does not mean that I haven’t had to suffer the consequences of my
sin. No, I have suffered in spades, not as His punishment but as a result of my
actions. Once I confessed and repented, my sin no longer counted against me.
Now, not everyone from my past has forgiven me or welcomed me back. Some never
will. But God.
1 Cor 1:27-29
But God chose the foolish
things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world
to shame the strong. 28 He chose the lowly things of this world and the
despised things — and the things that are not — to nullify the things that are,
29 so that no one may boast before him.
One of my favorite worship songs is The Lord is Gracious and
Compassionate. While I love the song, it wasn’t until now that I truly
understand the meaning of it. God is slow to anger and rich in love. But God.
But God
intervened. But God forgave. But God restored. But God.
There is a spirit of healing that becomes more evident, and real with each sentence. Intervention, Grace, Restoration. Amen.