Spirit Led Living
Let me take a brake from the study of Corinthians to talk about the Spirit led life. A Spirit led life must by definition be a life of intentionality. We cannot say that we are Spirit led and just let life happen. If we are truly Spirit-led then that same Spirit gives us a sense of urgency and of place that reminds us that other than living to have fellowship with the Father, our main purpose is to make dsiciples. We have turned things around in western Christiamity to make it about making converts. When we think in those terms then it is easy to think that our job is done when we get somebody to pray that magical prayer asking Jesus to come into their heart. Making disciples means that our job is just getting started at that point. It is our job to pass along that which the Holy Spirit has deposited into our heart. The last few "revivals" that have taken place over the last twenty years have died out because when the Spirit of God has been poured out people began to attend those "revivals" looking for goose bumps and "experiences" with God. Don't get me wrong, God wants us to experience Him and to know Him in a personal way. True revivals throughout history, however, have had the added effect of empowering people to go and make disciples. That is what the outpouring of His Spirit is for. As the Aposlte Paul says the Kingdom of God is not a matter of words but a matter of the demonstration of His power in order that lives would be saved and transformed. True Spirit led living is not content to experience God's presence without seeking to share that experience with someone else. The evidence of the indwelling Spirit in a person's life is expressed in their desire to share the gift of eternal life with all with whom they come in contact with. It breaks their heart to know that there are people without hope that are going to hell when they have the power to share God's love with them. It breaks God's heart, does it break yours?
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