The Hidden Story
This time of year people celebrate Christmas the way they see fit and Hollywood turns out show after show about the “real meaning” of Christmas. Of course, they always get it wrong. They say it’s about family, love, forgiveness, giving or coming together. Don’t get me wrong, those are all good things, but they miss the mark by a mile. I find it interesting how people pick and choose the things that they like, the things that fit their narrative and ignore that there is a lot more to the story than what they’ve chosen to highlight. For example, in recovery circles, the Serenity Prayer is often quoted as gospel in the quest for living in a way that doesn’t lead to relapse. This is the version that people quote: God, grant me the Serenity To accept the things I cannot change... Courage to change the things I can, And Wisdom to know the difference. While that is powerful, here is the full original version as written by Reinhold Niebuhr: God, give us grace to acce...