Exercising Spiritual Authority
order to exercise any kind of authority, one must represent a source that is
ready and able to
back up the represented authority with an adequate reserve of power.
16:19 - "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever
you forbid on earth
must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth
must be what is
already permitted in heaven." (Williams version)
Matthew 18:18 - "I solemnly say to you, whatever you forbid on earth must be already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth must be already permitted in heaven." (Williams version)
The keys of the Kingdom - to bind & loose what God has already bound or loosed. This is contingent on knowing God's will, not being led by our desires. (Mt 16:19) (Note: The Greek word "bind"(deo) means to "put in bonds" or "forbid" - the sense might be to restrict or limit by God's authority the activity of the enemy or even render him helpless. The Greek word "loose" (luo) means to break up, destroy, dissolve or put off - the sense might be to break up the work of the enemy, destroy his strongholds or power, dissolve or put off whatever the enemy has put in place and thus "permit" the freedom the Lord has ordained.)
"I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done by the power of signs and miracles,through the power of the Spirit."
1. THE
Luke 9:1,2,6 - the disciples
Luke 10:19 - the seventy-two
Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:17-20 - all believers
Romans 16:20 - all believers
James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8,9;
& Ephesians 6:10-18 - all believers
2. THE
FAITH - rooted in Jesus Christ (Mt 16:16,18,19)
UNITY - of belief and purpose (Mt 18:19)
It is
extremely important to understand correctly what the Lord is saying about the
conditions of exercising spiritual authority.
Many assume they have carte blanche or full discretionary authority to personally exercise. That is not what is being said by the Lord.
Notice the following verses which
portray accurately what was expressed in the Greek language.
Matthew 18:18 - "I solemnly say to you, whatever you forbid on earth must be already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth must be already permitted in heaven." (Williams version)
We must
always be seeking God's will in each instance before exercising authority in
Jesus'name. Sometimes we will already
know God's will because it is revealed in His Word and other times
we will need a direct revelation as to what we should do and when we should do
3. THE
The keys of the Kingdom - to bind & loose what God has already bound or loosed. This is contingent on knowing God's will, not being led by our desires. (Mt 16:19) (Note: The Greek word "bind"(deo) means to "put in bonds" or "forbid" - the sense might be to restrict or limit by God's authority the activity of the enemy or even render him helpless. The Greek word "loose" (luo) means to break up, destroy, dissolve or put off - the sense might be to break up the work of the enemy, destroy his strongholds or power, dissolve or put off whatever the enemy has put in place and thus "permit" the freedom the Lord has ordained.)
Demonstrating the presence of God's kingdom - Ministering in power (Mt
Personally, I am committed to taking God's kingdom presence, His power
and authority with me
whenever and wherever I minister. I go as a representative of God's kingdom,
operating in
the calling He has put upon me. It is as
objects of God's grace we are able to become "administrators of God's grace" to others. 1 Peter 4:10 - "Each one should use
whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's
grace in its various forms."
Lack of Faith - Mt 17:19-21
Community of Unbelief - (Prayer group, congregation etc) - Mk 6:4-6
The Practice of Sin - Gal 4:9; Jn 8:34,35
The Tricks of Satan - (Hindered through deception, attacks etc.) - 2 Cor
Moses - Exodus 14:15ff - parting the Red Sea
Elijah - 2 Kings 2:7-8 - parting the water
in the Jordon River
Elisha - 2 Kings 6:17,18 - praying blindness upon the enemy
Paul - Acts 13:11 - pronounced blindness upon Elymas, the sorcerer
Peter - Acts 5 - pronounced the death of
Ananias & Saphirra
The Promise - Acts 1:8 - power from the Holy Spirit
The Testimony - Romans 15:18,19 -
"I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done by the power of signs and miracles,through the power of the Spirit."
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