What's in a Name?

I often wonder at people's names. It seems that with each passing generation people try to get more and more creative with names, spellings and pronunciations.  In a world that is becoming more and more secular, people choose names for any number of reasons, but less and less as a result of prayer.
In the Bible we find that most names have significance. Often, the names chosen end up being prophetic, and in a few instances, God Himself either chooses the name or changes the name (Abram/Abraham, Saul/Paul).
In my own case my mother had lost two children before I came along and it took many years before I was conceived. I was a mid-life baby for both my parents. In my father's case (unbeknown to me) I was his fourth son and came at a time when he really didn't want any more children. As for my mother, I was her only child and I came as a result of much prayer. In fact, my mother promised God that if He blessed her with a child that she would completely dedicate the child to the Lord. Try living up to that expectation.
My father wanted to name me Jacob. I have no idea why. When it came time for me to be born my mother was in Puerto Rico with her family and my father was still in Chicago working. My mother had taken time off from work and flown to Puerto Rico so that the island would be my birth-place. After I was born and it came time to fill out the birth certificate, my mother was not comfortable with the name Jacob and so she asked her brother to come up with a name for me. It was my uncle who named me Carlos and the name my father had chosen then became my middle name. So it was that I came into this world as Carlos Jacob Molina Rodriguez (Please note that most people of Hispanic descent have two last names. It is an indication that you are not a bastard as it includes your father's family name first, then your mother's family name) I will leave the story of how I came to be known as Jay for another day.
Now, it is interesting to know that Jacob means usurper. In the Bible, Jacob was the one that tried to steal his brother's blessing and in fact did so. He is also the one who wrestled with the Angel of God to a draw and had his hip dislocated and whom God changed his name to Israel. That name would become prophetic in my own life.
As for Carlos, even though it is the name of Spanish kings, it has its origins in the Germanic culture (Karl) and it means strong and masculine. Now it is important to note that I grew in Brooklyn (I spent my infancy in Chicago but I have no recollection of that time) and that everyone either called me Charles or Charlie. It wasn't until we moved back to Puerto Rico before I entered fourth grade that I became aware that my legal name was Carlos and not Charles. It took me a long time to adjust and I never really liked the endearing diminutive of Carlitos. I only allowed my mom to call me that.
OK, so now that I have bored you with the story of my own name, I can tell you that like it or not, our names end up influencing our lives and reveal a lot about us.
Perhaps that is why we have so many names for God. Over the course of my next few blogs I want to look at the names of God because they reveal so much about Him, His attributes, His character and most importantly, about His relationship with us.
Let's start with 'Elohim'. In the Hebrew it is a singular name in a plural form. In Genesis alone it is used more than 200 times. It is akin to the royal "we". This is not a name of a poly-theistic God but it does reflect the concept of the Trinity, or the Three in One of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit being present since before creation. It is not surprising then, in the context of Creation, that it means might and power.
Jer 32:18 O great and powerful God, whose name is the LORD Almighty
While there are many more names to come it is important that the first name by which He is known in that Bible is a name of strength.
Going back to my own name, Carlos, which also means strong, I think back to my mother and what her dreams and expectations were for me as she dedicated me to His service and I have to agree with God's word in that: "The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." Ex 15:2
I can't begin to tell you how many people have prophesied this passage over me: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
And while I know that this is the Father's promise to me it is only when I am weak that His strength comes through. That is why I lean on: "For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God's power we will live with him to serve you. 2 Cor 13:4
There is power and might in the name of the Lord, Elohim.


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