A Season of Thanksgiving and Reflection
Tis the season for thanksgiving and reflection. My wife and I have done quite a bit of that lately. This time of year is always difficult for me because I am always overwhelmed with work and because of the losses I have suffered over the years. Both my Father and Mother passed during this time and now my good friend Dick Phillips has been added to that list. All of this serves to make us stop and take inventory of our lives. I am particularly blessed to have a job, which although stressful at this time of year, gives me great satisfaction. This past Thanksgiving, Metropolitan Ministries helped over 11,000 families. In Brandon alone we had 50 people turn their lives over to God and we actually baptized 5 of them on the spot. We have touched the lives of countless volunteers and donors in addition to the families we have served directly. In fact, sometimes the volunteers get more out of it than the clients. I am blessed with a wonderful extended family of four children and o...