The Role of the Spirit
1 Cor 2:10-13
"The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
We are most fortunate to be living in the time that we are. Before Christ the Spirit was imparted to a very select few, often only one person in a generation. This one person then had the responsibility of communicating God's will to his generation. So high was the standard that death was the penalty for not correctly conveying God's thoughts to His people. The priests and the rabbis did not impart revelation, they merely attempted to interpret revelation.
When Jesus was taken up after his resurrection He sent His Holy Spirit to be made available to all who call upon His name. Pentecost is the seminal moment in history when the Spirit of God, not limited in time or space speaks to the hearts of believers the very words of the Father. He also imparts supernatural power for the furthering of His kingdom. Gifts are imparted to the body so that together they can accomplish the purpose of God so that none would perish.
Now all who read the Word of God can understand its mysteries. Sadly, because of the Roman church, this truth was hidden for centuries as only the magisterium (The Pope and the College of Cardinals) were the ones deemed learned enough to interpret scripture. It is only after the Reformation and the Guttenberg press that the Bible is published widely in the tongue of the common man. It was the intent of the Father to reveal the Son through the Holy Spirit. His Word contains all that is essential for our faith. And yet, it's truth is hidden from those that don't have the Spirit. The Spirit brings parts of it alive as needed for our edification. He goes to the Father and receives from Him that which He wishes to reveal to His servants. Then the Spirit conveys that message of peace and hope to us, His children.
I have spent all of my adult life studying the Bible. I can tell you that I have read through the Bible at least 7 times. (This is not to brag, it is to show my limitations) Every time I open up my Bible things jump out at me right when I need them. There are portions of Scripture that it seems like I am reading for the very first time. Passages that held one meaning at one point, reveal a completely different meaning for me now. It is always timely, always pertinent.
The Holy Spirit is the most neglected person of the Trinity in some evangelical circles. The fear of excesses by some in Pentecostal or charismatic circles has led others to throw out the baby with the bathwater. If we adhere to Scripture, especially the teachings of Paul, then all the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit would be governed correctly. For many this is not enough and so they superimpose extra rules that only serve to handcuff the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in the modern church. When we operate within Scriptural guidelines then we benefit from the fullness of the what the Father wishes to reveal to us and empower us to do.
1 Cor 14:39-40
"Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues . But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way."
Just as an example that addresses both sides of the issue, Paul warns against exalting tongues by telling us that they are the least of the gifts. Yet, even though it is better to prophesy he also warns forbidding speaking in tongues. People on both sides of the equation somehow choose not to regard the Apostle Paul's teaching and instead either elevate tongues to be the necessary evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or they ban it either in whole or add to Paul's restrictions. If we just followed Paul's exhortations on the gifts we wouldn't have any problems in this area. Let' not forget that what Paul taught did not come from Him, it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit who received it from the Father and Father knows best.
Throughout history theologians have had a difficult time understanding the role of the Spirit. Some reduced His role to regeneration. While this is certainly one of the greatest and most precious duties of the Spirit it is by no means the extent of His role. The Spirit is the Father's representative in our daily lives. His power is released in us so that others might come to Christ. He searches the mind of the Father and He brings that fresh manna to us so that we might understand the precious gift of our salvation and our hope for tomorrow. His arm has not been shortened nor His role reduced because the canon of Scripture was completed. No, if anything His role has increased as we need His enlightenment to understand God's Word and His Power to carry it out.
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