The Christmas Messages of Gabriel
Mal 4:2-3 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. On these words the Jewish people clung for 400 years. After coming out of captivity from Babylon the once powerful and independent Jewish nation became a minor territory that was the pawn of successive empires. First they were dominated by Persia who largely ignored the Jews. Then Alexander the Great acquired Palestine in 323 B.C. He decided he was going to unite the world centered on the Greek language and culture. At first they tolerated the Jewish practices but then began to enforce their doctrine Hellenization. The majority of the Jewish people resisted by the aristocracy welcomed it. When the people did not follow suit they tried to destroy the Jewish religion itself and all known copies of the Torah. They even erected a statue of Zeus in the Temple an...