
Showing posts from July, 2015

Chicken Little Theology

If you follow Facebook, the Twitter-verse or haven’t gone off the grid completely, then you are aware that the sky is falling. We live in a totally amoral world (as well as immoral). What is bad is good, what is wrong is right and it is the masses who determine what we should think and believe. To believe in the Bible makes you an out-of-touch, hate-mongering dinosaur who has misinterpreted Jesus’ message of love. The world has gone to hell in a handbasket while God was asleep at the switch. It has gotten so bad that God’s only choice is to bring about the Apocalypse and put an end to it all. There is much hand wringing and the Chicken Littles among us want the rest of us to wake up to fact that the sky is falling. When I woke up this morning and started reading my Bible I found that, surprise, God is still sovereign and that there is nothing new under the sky (which is still firmly in place). I have lived long enough to go through many crises in the world and through many...