Fan the Flame
2 Tim 1:6b "fan into flame the gift of God " It is of no use to be tepid, we are meant to be red hot. We need to work at our relationship with God or else the passion will fade and we will turn lukewarm and non-effective. It takes a daily discipline to keep the fires burning. The Holy Spirit gives each one of us gifts according to the will and pleasure of the Father. it is up to us develop and grow proficient in our gifts through the constant exercise of our gifts for the sake of the body. The blacksmith knows that in order to make metal malleable he first needs a hot fire to soften and purify it. To make the fire hotter he employs a bellows to blow a stream of air on the coals. He literally fans it into flame. The Father always want us to completely sold out, completely dedicated to the task that He has called us to. Anything less is simply not good enough. Rev 3:16-17 "So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to ...